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CF Concept is a refreshing and cutting edge jewellery brand full of unique pieces from Danish designer Charlotte Flyvholm. Her designs incorporate a Scandinavian ethos coupled with inspiration from adventures around the world. Based in London Charlotte is re-invigorating the jewellery scene with a mix of distinct and contemporary designs.

CF Concept Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions for CF Concept ©

These terms and conditions govern your use of the site and the purchase of items from the site. By continuing to access the CF site you are considered to be accepting and consenting to the practices described in the terms and conditions. We may update these terms and conditions without notification.

Pricing and Payment
By placing an order you are offering to buy an item there is no contract of sale until you have received a confirmation email confirming the dispatch of your items. All orders are subject to availability and acceptance of the order.

Prices payable for the items are all in UK pounds as set out on our website. If purchasing from outside of the UK prices may fluctuate depending on the currency exchange rate and credit/debit card charges.

Orders can only be accepted once the full payment has been received –an email will then be sent out to confirm that your order had been received. This is not an order acceptance. There is no legally binding contract between us until we have accepted your order with a confirmation email that your item(s) have been dispatched. Only persons aged 18 and over are entitled to enter into legally binding contracts. CF Concept reserve the right to refuse to supply to any persons for whatever reason.

Prices are correct at the time of publication but we reserve the right to revise and update these.

We will deliver the ordered items to the address you provide. It is your responsibility to make sure this is address is accurate. Someone will need to sign for the package upon delivery.

Delivery/shipping costs are additional -  please see our delivery information at the top of this page for timings and delivery costs.

Please note delivery timings are for general guidance only and we are not liable for late delivery of items caused by circumstances beyond our control.

Once you have received your items they will be your responsibility and we will not be held accountable for any loss or damages incurred.

International deliveries can be subject to customs delays and import and duty taxes which we are not accountable for.

If your delivery has been delayed please contact us at:

Returns & Exchanges
Please refer to our Return Policy page.

Cancellation by us:
We reserve the right to cancel your order for whatever reason. This would most likely only occur if:

- We have insufficient stock.

- We do not deliver to your area.

- The price displayed on our site is incorrect due to typographical error or incorrect pricing information was received from our manufacturer.

We are not obliged to compensate for any disappointment suffered.

Cookies Policy

Our website uses cookies, as most websites do, to help us create the best experience for you. If the setting in your browser are adjusted to accept cookies we take this, and your continued use of the website, to mean that you are fine with this. 

To find out more about cookies please follow this link. You can switch cookies off by adjusting your browser - learn how to do so here doing so however will likely limit the functionality of our website.

Third Party Functions

Our site includes functionality provided by third parties such as YouTube, plugins, widgets and various social media - these help us to optimise your shopping and browsing experience. The privacy implications of these will vary from network to network and will also be dependent on the privacy settings you have chosen for these platforms. By continuing to browse our site we understand you accept these third party functions.

The use of this service is entirely at the customer’s own risk. Services are provided without any warranty of any kind.  We work to keep our site up to date but we cannot warrant the completeness or accuracy of the information published nor guarantee that it is free of technical errors, viruses or bugs or that the site represents the full functionality, accuracy, reliability of the materials. By accessing our site you resume full responsibility for any costs incurred from servicing or repairs of any equipment used in connection with this site. We are not liable for any damages of any kind, loss or corruption of any data, database or software connected with the use of this site however caused.

To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, we exclude all representations, warranties and conditions relating to this website and the use of this website (including the reliance upon any information contained on it, any warranties implied by law in respect of satisfactory quality, fitness for purpose)

If you are accessing the website outside of the UK you are responsible for compliance with local law. We cannot guarantee that the content on this site is appropriate, legal or available for use in areas outside the United Kingdom.

We accept no liability, with regards to import/export, for the items you purchase. It is your responsibility to comply with regulations and legislation, including obtaining all necessary customs, import or other permits to purchase goods from our site.

We are not responsible for any delays of orders once they have been handed over to Royal Mail or a courier.

If your order is incorrect or damaged you must let us know within 7 working days or we will not be liable to you.

We have no liability to pay any money to you by way of compensation other than to refund the amount paid, by you, for the item(s) in question.

Every transaction is considered to be carried out in the UK and therefore shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with english Law.

Entire agreement
These terms and conditions, together with our privacy policy, constitute the entire agreement between you and CF Concept in relation to your use of our website, sale, purchase and use of the goods and supersede all previous agreements in respect of your use of our website.